SFB 1243 Cancer Evolution

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Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)

The SFB 1243 and IRTG ended in March 2021, and this site is no longer updated.

We are unable to accept new applications for research or degree positions. If you are interested in a particular topic, please contact the project leader directly.

The IRTG 1243 offers an interdisciplinary graduate training program covering topics ranging from molecular and cellular biology, computational biology to clinical hematology.
Committed to supporting members during their research projects, the IRTG 1243 offers guidance counseling, channels for acquiring project-specific expertise, professional skills and valuable local and international networking opportunities.

The program curriculum is made up of the following elements:
(download also available IRTG 1243 manifesto)

See information about our SFB 1243 Dr.med. Förderung.

linkedin logo smallJoin our IRTG 1243 Members and Alumni LinkedIn Group – established to help sustainably maintain contact between IRTG members, and to create a resource for career networking beyond doctoral research.

CRC Seminar series

Invited speakers present current topics on clinical and basic research in Cancer Evolution (open to the scientific community). mandatory

1243 Fundamentals series

IRTG members meet once a month for a seminar on basics, background and compelling questions central to SFB 1243 topics, delivered by the project leaders. Begin September 27, 2016. See seminar schedule for details.
mandatory, monthly

Advanced specialized courses

Seq techniques, hematology, cytogenetics, data analysis

• external methods workshops (funding available)
• individual specialized training
• lab visits
IRTG methods workshops
at least 2 during doctoral research

Transferable Skills

in cooperation with LSM, GraduateCenterLMU, IMPRS, TUM-GS, HELENA

• Scientific writing
• Language classes
• Oral presentation
• Project management
• Career orientation
• Leadership training
at least 3 during doctoral research

Thesis Advisory Committee

Includes at least 3 members (including main supervisor) and doctoral candidate.

annually, total of at least 3 during doctoral research

IRTG Retreats

Outside of the daily routine, we focus on scientific projects, discussion, superordinate topics (ethics, good scientific practice) and networking.
mandatory, annually

International Conference

Attendance to at least one international conference with own contribution of poster or talk.

at least 1 during doctoral research

Apply for funding.

Good Scientific Practice

The SFB 1243 is committed to academic integrity, fairness and good scientific conduct. See the film.