SFB 1243 Cancer Evolution

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Important Tips, Links and Downloads

  • Inform yourself about  university policy for doctoral degrees (see links below), and what obligations you may have to graduate programs other than the IRTG 1243.
  • Both the TUM and the LMU University Libraries offer free licenses for the citation management programs Citavi and Endnote (see links below).
  • Watch Events and Workshops for courses offered through the IRTG.
  • LMU doctoral students can subscribe to the GraduateCenter LMU newsletter to be informed about upcoming courses.
  • Sign up for courses well in advance! Courses usually fill up very quickly.
    Note: in general, only sign up for a course if you can committ to the time. No-shows are not acceptable!
  • Different institutions and programs (LMU, TUM, Helmholtz, LSM, IMPRS, SFB 1243) offer possibilities for travel funding, lab visits or external methods courses. Inquire about possibilities with program coordinators.
  • Enrollment requirements: the LSM degree (Life and Natural Sciences) and the TUM-GS require that you are officially enrolled in their respective programs for 6 semesters. The LMU Faculty of Biology requires that you are enrolled for a minimum of 2 semesters. The LMU Faculty of Medicine has no enrollment requirement, except in the case of PhD med. res. program (see link below), which requires enrollment of 6 semesters.

Application procedure for IRTG funding of external courses or conferences

click here

 Program Requirements

(see also links to the right)

Good Scientific Practice


Doctoral Degree Bureaus

Good contacts to know in a crisis