Karl-Peter Hopfner receives the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2017
Award for research achievements in understanding DNA-repair mechanisms
Prof. Dr. Karl-Peter Hopfner, co-investigator in a SFB 1243 tandem project A10 (Identifying and targeting escape mechanisms in AML using multispecific antibody derivatives) was one of nine recipients of the 2017 Leibniz Prize. The award ceremony was on March 15, 2017 in Berlin.
The Leibniz Prize is awarded by the German Research Councel (DFG) annually to nominated candidates, and amounts to 2.5 million euros per awardee. The prize is set up to recognize and support outstanding scientists, allowing them to use these independent funds to expand their research.
DFG website: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2017
LMU press release: German/English
BR Mediathek Video (Leibniz-Preis für Münchner Wissenschaftler: Ehrung für Karl-Peter Hopfner, 14.03.2017, 18:30, BR Fernsehen, 1 min.)