SFB 1243 Cancer Evolution

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Hellmann, Ines

Dr. Ines Hellmann

Faculty of Biology, Ludwig-maximilians-Universität München


Fakultät für Biologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Großhaderner Str. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Phone: +49 (0)89 2180-74336

Website: Anthropology and Human Genetics

Work group

A15 Tracing clonal evolution via transcriptome changes and somatic mutations

10 Major publications related to project

(See publications for recent papers published in the SFB context since 2016)

Huber CD, Nordborg M, Hermisson J and Hellmann I (2014). Keeping it local: evidence for positive selection in Swedish Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol. Biol. Evol., 31, 3026-3039.

Long Q, Rabanal FA, Meng D, Huber CD, Farlow A, Platzer A, Zhang Q, Vilhjálmsson BJ, Korte A, Nizhynska V, Voronin V, Korte P, Sedman L, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Seren Ü, Hellmann I and Nordborg M (2013). Massive genomic variation and strong selection in Arabidopsis thaliana lines from Sweden. Nat. Genet., 45, 884-890.

Prüfer K, Racimo F, Patterson N, Jay F, Sankararaman S, Sawyer S, Heinze A, Renaud G, Sudmant, PH, de Filippo C, Li H, Mallick S, Dannemann M, Fu Q, Kircher M, Kuhlwilm M, Lachmann M, Meyer M, Ongyerth M, Siebauer M, Theunert C, Tandon A, Moorjani P, Pickrell J, Mullikin JC, Vohr SH, Green RE, Hellmann I, Johnson PL, Blanche H, Cann H, Kitzman JO, Shendure J, Eichler EE, Lein ES, Bakken TE, Golovanova LV, Doronichev VB, Shunkov MV, Derevianko AP, Viola B, Slatkin M, Reich D, Kelso J and Pääbo S (2013). The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains. Nature 505, 43-49.

Prüfer K, Munch K, Hellmann I, Akagi K, Miller JR, Walenz B, Koren, Sutton G, Kodira C, Winer R Winer R , Knight JR, Mullikin JC, Meader SJ, Ponting CP, Lunter G, Higashino S, Hobolth A, Dutheil J, Karakoç, Alkan C, Sajjadian S, Catacchio CR, Ventura, Marques-Bonet T , Eichler EE, André C, Atencia R, Mugisha L, Junhold J, Patterson N, Siebauer M, Good JM, Fischer A, Ptak SE, Lachmann M, Symer DE, Mailund T, Schierup MH, Andrés AM, Kelso J and Pääbo S (2012). The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes. Nature, 486, 527-531.

Johnson PLF and Hellmann I (2011). Mutation rate distribution inferred from coincident SNPs and coincident substitutions. Genome Biol. Evol., 3, 842-850.

Hellmann I, Mang Y, Gu Z, Li P, de la Vega FM, Clark AG and Nielsen R (2008). Population genetic analysis of shotgun assemblies of genomic sequences from multiple individuals. Genome Res., 18, 1020-1029.

Weber M, Hellmann I, Stadler MB, Ramos L, Pääbo S, Rebhan M and Schübeler D (2007). Distribution, silencing potential and evolutionary impact of promoter DNA methylation in the human genome. Nat. Genet., 39, 457-466.

Khaitovich P, Tang K, Franz H, Kelso J, Hellmann I, Enard W, Lachmann M, and Pääbo S (2006). Positive selection on gene expression in the human brain. Curr. Biol., 16, R356-8.

Hellmann I, Prüfer K, Ji H, Zody MC, Pääbo S and Ptak SE (2005). Why do human diversity levels vary at a megabase scale? Genome Res., 15, 1222-1231.

Khaitovich P, Hellmann I, Enard W, Nowick K, Leinweber M, Franz H, Weiss G, Lachmann M and Pääbo S (2005). Parallel patterns of evolution in the genomes and transcriptomes of humans and chimpanzees. Science, 309, 1850-1854.